Friday 30 January 2009

The PC Brigade Can Not Even Leave Kids Nursery Rhymes Alone!

the old ditty 'What shall we do with the drunken sailor?" has fallen under the PC brigades knife, the old favorite with most boy and sea scouts has been brought screaming into the 21 st. century, the PC government-funded Bookstart changed the 1891 sea shanty’s main character from “drunken sailor” to “grumpy pirate” Nick Seaton of the Campaign for Real Education said: “It is trying to rewrite the history and tradition of this country, “Organisations like Bookstart should know better.” also changed were lines such as “Keelhaul him and pass the bottle” and “Round with the rum and scotch and whisky” are replaced by “Do a little jig and make him smile” and “Tickle him till he starts to giggle” as for Katherine Soloman of Bookstart who commented, “Some might think this is political correctness but the words were changed to fit in with a pirate theme we had.” what a load of rubbish! what gives you the power to change our National Heritage? you are all that I hate to see in new labour PC Great Britain.

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