Monday 11 May 2009

The Binmen Strike Again And Again!

two unrelated stories of how the binmen are stalking us!
look out, look out there is a snooper about! well enough snoopers to look through 2,146 bins and five refuse depots over three weeks in December, got to pass on how many that is! and the cost? £80,000 to secretly spy on residents’ rubbish without their consent, it was revealed yesterday, I know waste is an issue in the UK, but hardly a week goes by with out the bin police hounding the public,

and in another newspaper, pay-as-you-throw charges are revived despite huge public opposition, if it is so unpopular why bring it back? there must be another way to solve this problem, I mean I do not hear of this sort of thing in other EU countries, the charges could be introduced as early as next year when quangos begin to take over refuse collections, plans to trial the scheme in January had to be abandoned after Labour failed to persuade town halls to back the idea,

ministers had been looking for five councils to run the pilot but, in the face of huge public opposition, not one local authority came forward, but critics of the scheme pointed out that the authorities will be run by councillors delegated by local town halls,

there will be no elections to decide who sits on the committees and voters will have no opportunity to pass judgment on what they do,

nice to know in Great Britain we live in a democracy where you can vote!

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