Thursday 7 March 2013

I Have To Say I Do Not Really Understand This,

this is the latest attempt by police to tackle crime,

 pom-pom balls in trees, Leicester Police decided that after dozens of thefts and other crimes in the city’s Bede Park had been reported the way to make park goers feel safer was to hang the pom-poms on trees,

well there are a couple of issues apart from the fact I fail to see how the idea would work, firstly was a costly risk assessment conducted? that ladder certainly dose not look safe to me and the top of it has not been secured to the tree, secondly was the local councils permission obtained to place the pom-poms in the trees?

lets face it if you or I climbed a tree in a council owned park and placed pom-poms in it the local council would have the same police there in no time flat to arrest me, could you imagine the excuse you would make to the arresting officers? 'well officer I was just putting the pom-poms there to cut down on crime!',

in any event I need not have worried, the plan soon unravelled as the pom-poms vanished after two days, as student Stacey Walker, 20, said of the pom-poms: 'they’ve all gone, people probably stole them.'

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