Wednesday 24 September 2014


there seems to be so many films recently about them,

that their take over of the world seems inevitable, so what happens when you become one? well help is at hand if you read this book, So Now You’re A Zombie: A Handbook for the Newly Undead, by John Austin which will answer all of your questions,

there are a few things that spring to mind about being a zombie, the upside to being a zombie, no more job, bosses, taxes, smart phones, and even showering, all just so that you can focus on obtaining your next meal of human brains, the downside is that since zombies are simply no good at interpersonal relationships, your dating life will go from iffy to nonexistent, but the book is full of facts explains everything, from how you became a zombie in the first place complete with all of the stages of zombification, this includes a review of this history and evolution of zombies and a review of what it takes to survive in the zombie world, You will even learn how to coax the living out of barricaded basements for a quick snack, I have got to go now, I can hear something scratching at my front door.

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