Sunday 12 October 2014

Off To The Market,

to buy a few things for this evenings bar-b-q,

 it had been raining in the morning but now bright blue skies,

 we parked behind some of the stalls,

 then made our way inside,

 it was still a bit wet underfoot from this mornings showers,

 but it was business as usual,

 with all manner of produce for sale,

whilst watching a television program about egg production the narrator said and I quote, 'brown eggs come from brown hens and white eggs come form white hens', so where do these pink ones come from?

 all to soon it was time to make smoke,

 as I lit up the bar-b-q,

 but thankfully the flames soon caught and it stopped producing smoke,

 our feast for tonight, garlic bread, chicken satay and a steak each,

 by now the charcoal was glowing a nice red,

 so first our starter of garlic bread,

 followed by the chicken satay,

 which Diana had made a peanut sauce for along with a bowl of chopped onion, cucumber and red peppers,

 on with the steaks,

 we decided against any vegetables except a baked potato,

 as we knew we were going to have a treat for dessert, when we were last at Swensens we bought a bowl of rum and raisin ice cream what a delicious way to round off the meal,

we starting chatting away and listening to music when in the distance came the rumble of thunder, the wind picked up rapidly and before we could clear the table the heavens opened up,

 I made this short video of the flashes of lighting and sound of thunder,

then the lights went out, after 5 minuets or so of using flashlights I lit up our trusty gas light and as you might have guessed the power came back on just a few minuets after lighting it, so feet up a couple from Columbo and we were off to bed.

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