Saturday 21 November 2015

How Many Times Have You Seen A Superhero,

shoot fire from his/her hands?

well now you too can do the same trick, the new Mini Pyro Fireball shooter for shooting flames out of the palms of your hands is now for sale to us lesser mortals, but be warned with the purchase there comes the real chance of burning yourself if you do not follow the instructions, users strap the tiny gadget to their wrists containing mini barrels, each with the capability of firing off a round of cotton and flash paper throwing flames approximately 40 feet before disappearing into thin air, fully charged, the device can be used for roughly 600 shots of professional pyrotechnics,

it can also be triggered remotely so you can fool people, and how much to turn you into a Superhero,? just $147 and no I am not on commission!

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