Monday 10 October 2016

After Giving The Kittens Their Breakfast,

it was play time,

 Mariana and Cable,

 this is Cable,

 and Mariana, 

 always show an interest in the pool and water, Hogue

 only becomes interested when they do, 

 and it is not very long, 

 before Cable and Hogue push Mariana out of the way,

 and then lose interest altogether, 

 and take a rest,

 Mariana has seen something outside,

 and is then joined, 

 by Hogue,

 Mariana being the most adventitious of the three,

 has to examine the shower-head, this has resulted in her falling in a few times,

 much to the amusement of Hogue who was still on the edge of the pool,

 then Sunday lunch was severed,

 roast pork with crackling and all of the trimmings,


 and for dessert Diana made for the first time bread pudding, which was excellent,

 we chatted away and listened to music for a few hours, then two treats, firstly cheese, celery and crackers,

 and secondly an Irish coffee,

 made with fresh cream and topped with chocolate,

and to add to the taste some butter cookies,

 all of this was too much for me, so I took a catnap,

along with Mariana, after 40 winks we watched another one from,

The Rivals Of Sherlock Holmes, then we were off to bed.

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